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BlackWatch Prediction League

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BWPL Rules

General :

Anyone can join the league, regardless of age, height, weight, hair colour or musical preferences.

There are no restrictions as to the location of a player's native planet, country or hometown.

Animals, aliens and androids are very welcome !

Winner(s) :

A prize might or might not be awarded to the winner(s) depending on the whim of the sweepmeister.

However, they will definitely be awarded an asterisk which will be proudly displayed beside their name.

Predictions :

One entry per match only.

Predictions must be sent by no later than kick-off on the day of each match.

All predictions by e-mail only !

The sweepmeister's decision is final !

Points System

League Games :

Result counts after 90 minutes.

Cup Games and Internationals :

Result counts after 90 minutes, or after extra time if played.
Penalties do not count !

Points Awarded :

3 points for the right scoreline...
1 point for the right result.......
0 points for getting it all wrong..

Bonus Points :

Each season all contestants have to predict Everton's finishing position in the league table with their starting entries. Those who are correct will receive 5 bonus points, those who are two places away (either side) will receive 3 bonus points.

Those who are above, or out of this range get zilch.

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