What's New ?
9 August 2009
New season - new start for the BWPL........We're back in business !!!
I hope you have all had a fabulous summer and I'm looking forward to another
great season of predictions.
We're going to do the same thing as last season...with the starting entries
all contestants are to predict where they think Everton will finish this season. Those who are correct will receive 5 bonus
points, those who are two places away (either side) will receive 3 bonus points.Those who are above, or out of this range
get zilch.
Good Luck !!!
A Royal Blue Dream
by Becky Tallentire
A team made from Kendall, Harvey and Ball Fat Latch, Jumpin' Duncan and Big Barry Horne Alex Young is a vision still
gold to this day And I'll eat my hat if that's not Andy Gray There's Tricky Trevor, (I'd swear that's a wig)
With Big Davey Hickson, the Cannonball Kid Beautiful football, played on the floor Morrissey hovers - Big Dunc's
bound to score Joe is our Royle and Andy our King And Archangel Gabriel's on the right wing Sharpie's
our Braveheart, spilling blood for the cause While Labby and Waggy compare their back 4's Catterick is whispering
his dressing room secrets And Reidy is constantly shouting expletives The spirit is present of William Ralph Dean
And they still won't serve Inchy until he's 18 Derek Mountfield is welcome; he can score on his knees For
free kicks at Ipswich, it's gotta be Sheeds Mike Lyons is with us but his curls have all gone We love Shagger Stevens;
but still hate Big Ron And there's Tommy Wright-back all covered in mud I can see Kevin Ratcliffe - he's
lifting the cup Kenyon and Whittle are fearless you know And there's Martin Dobson - a great big Hello
Lawton and Mercer and Bingham and Brace Parkie, the Pieman is still making space Big Nev and Westie are guarding
the goal And all is at peace in my blue-blooded soul And as I awaken, in bed in my room I wait for the
whistle; it's got to be soon In the 94th minute, he scores when he shoots And all I can see is a blur of white
© Becky Tallentire 2001